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また、当該来館者様が参加されたクラスと同クラスでのご参加かにつきお知りになりたい方は個別に私までご連絡ください。 個人情報保護を鑑み、該当の有無のみご回答差し上げます。 会員様におかれては引き続き、個人情報、プライバシーの尊重にご配慮のほど、よろしくお願い申し上げます。 ご迷惑をおかけし恐縮ですが、ご理解ご協力の程引き続き何卒宜しくお願い申し上げます。 Dear members, We recieved a report that one of the participants of the 6th (wed) kids/pre-kids Kickboxing class happened to have fever at yesterday mourning and checked out Covid positive today. We might ask to refrain to come the kids/pre-kids BJJ class tomorrow to whom attended on 6th (wed) kids/pre-kids Kick boxing classes. Also, classes instructed by Prof.Karu might have changes, so please be noted as so. Meanwhile, please be noticed that please report to us when you had bad physical condition as written on the guideline to prevent infecting Covid. There won't be any close contactor at the studio according to the last hearing to the health center. If you want to know if you participated the same class the participant joined, let us know. We only answer yes or no to the question to protect privacy. We really appreciate your being very respective on members privacy as you have been. Thank you for cooperation on keeping the guideline to prevent Covid toward coming to the studio. Best Regards,



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